Cinch Health

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Cinch Health began as a glimmer of innovation within the creative confines of Awestruck Labs, initially conceived as an experiment in generative AI. What started as an ambitious idea rapidly transformed into a production-ready product, thanks to Awestruck Labs' comprehensive efforts in ideation, testing, and development. Utilizing their deep healthcare communications expertise and blending it with cutting-edge generative AI technology, they meticulously crafted the user prompts essential for the tool's functionality. This collaboration symbolized a union of industry knowledge and technological novelty, laying the groundwork for something truly unique. Awestruck Labs didn't just stop at product development; they breathed life into Cinch Health by creating an entirely new brand for this communications platform. This process included everything from product positioning to the development of social posts and launch materials. With the product primed and ready, Awestruck Labs embarked on a partnership to introduce Cinch Health to the market. The initial focus was on community health centers, aligning with a shared vision of enhancing healthcare communication at the grassroots level. The Cinch Health case is a testament to Awestruck Labs' ability to not only envision but also to execute, turning an experimental concept into a tangible solution with the potential to transform healthcare communication.

Product Design

Prompt Design

Product Management



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