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Fidgetech, a remarkable nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting adults on the autism spectrum, teamed up with Awestruck Labs to rejuvenate their brand and extend their impact. This collaboration led to the re-launch of Fidgetech with a refreshed brand identity, new messaging, a revamped website, and a case statement. Additionally, Awestruck played a crucial role in designing Fidgetech's upcoming multimedia design curriculum. As part of this rebranding, a comprehensive marketing strategy was formulated to attract and engage various stakeholders, including potential members, families, area employers, and donors. This multi-channel, cost-effective plan involved heavy emphasis on social media, search marketing, and lead generation and nurture campaigns, aiming to foster interest, educate leads, and ultimately convert them into active members of the Fidgetech community. In addition to the marketing efforts, Fidgetech’s focus on attracting donors and employer partners required specialized support. Recognizing the potential impact that Fidgetech's training and development approach could have for adults on the spectrum, Awestruck stepped in to develop engaging pitches. They created persuasive case statements and collateral aimed at donors and other stakeholders, providing an articulate appeal to support the cause. Along with this, Awestruck implemented a new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for Fidgetech, enhancing their ability to manage an existing lead database, capture new leads, and organize outreach more effectively. This integration between strategic marketing and systematic donor engagement illustrates the multifaceted approach that Awestruck Labs employed to elevate Fidgetech's mission and outreach.

Website Design and Development

Branding Refresh

Business and Marketing Strategy

Collateral Development

Design Curriculum Design

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